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Diakronika accepts and contains articles that focus on the results of scientific studies and the results of research on history and education (learning) history. The results of the study contribute to the understanding, development of scientific theories and concepts, and their application in education and history in Indonesia and the world. Diakronika scales include studies of Indonesian history and world history, and educational studies in the form of subject matter, strategies, media, learning models, as well as historical learning evaluations.
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Articles 6 Documents
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Ketika Air Menggenangi Pemukiman: BANJIR DAN PENANGGULANGANNYA DI MADIUN, 1940-1989 Sarkawi B. Husain
Diakronika Vol 22 No 2 (2022): DIAKRONIKA
Publisher : FIS Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (326.628 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/diakronika/vol22-iss2/251


Artikel ini mengkaji mengenai bencana banjir yang melanda Madiun pada tahun 1940-1989. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian sejarah. Dalam artikel ini, diketahui bahwa banjir di Madiun telah terjadi secara rutin jauh sebelum masa reformasi. Hal itu disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor, tidak hanya kondisi alam, tetapi juga aktivitas manusia. Salah satu faktor dominan yang menjadi penyebab banjir adalah curah hujan. Selain curah hujan, banjir disebabkan karena adanya anak sungai Bengawan Solo, yakni Kali Madiun. Setiap tahun, terutama ketika musim hujan, Kali Madiun akan mendapat kiriman dari kawasan hulu beserta anak-anak sungainya, sehingga membuat air sungai meluap. Akibat banjir yang rutin terjadi, penduduk Madiun mengalami kerugian, baik material, finansial, maupun korban jiwa. Oleh karena itu, pemerintah berupaya untuk melakukan penanggulangan bencana, di antaranya melalui Proyek Pengembangan Wilayah Sungai Bengawan Solo hingga Madiun River Urgent Flood Control Project (MRUFCP).
Memotret Pembelajaran Sejarah Daring di SMA Kota Bandung Pada Masa Pandemi Covid 19 Murdiyah Winarti; Yani Kusmarni; Tarunasena Makmur; Iing Yulianti
Diakronika Vol 22 No 2 (2022): DIAKRONIKA
Publisher : FIS Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (293.147 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/diakronika/vol22-iss2/287


Online learning activities (on the network) have become an option for the Ministry of Education and Culture to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus from expanding. This study aims to photograph or describe the process of learning history online by looking at all the learning tools prepared by the teacher and their implementation in online learning. This research was conducted in several high schools in Bandung, using a descriptive method, and the subjects were high school teachers. Meanwhile, data collection techniques were designed in the form of observation, interviews, and documentation studies. From the results of this study, it was obtained an overview of how the implementation of online history learning in high school, which was neglected by the study program to prepare students to face the challenges of this pandemic. If this rapid change is not responded to with good preparation, you can experience stuttering in dealing with it, especially in the learning process in virtual classes.
Pembangunan Pembangunan Irigasi Di Afdeeling Demak dan Grobogan Masa Awal Abad XX: Sebuah Kajian Historis Endah Sri Hartatik
Diakronika Vol 22 No 2 (2022): DIAKRONIKA
Publisher : FIS Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (220.698 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/diakronika/vol22-iss2/288


Abstract Although the Demak and Grobogan regions are food buffer areas in Indonesia, especially rice, during the Dutch colonial period, they were food insecure areas. This study aims to reveal the history of irrigation policy in the region. The method used is a historical method emphasizing the use of Semarang Residency archive sources. Demak and Grobogan during the colonial period were known as areas prone to famine. The Dutch colonial government and the local government tried to overcome this hunger by building infrastructure to support rice production. Irrigation development was the main policy developed by the Colonial Government from the end of the nineteenth century to the beginning of the twentieth century. As a result of the construction of irrigation facilities, rice production increased so as to reduce the level of hunger and poverty of the people of Demak and Grobogan at that time. Keywords: Colonial, local, irrigation, hunger, production
Pengembangan Kawasan Wisata Mandeh melalui rekonstruksi kearifan lokal perempuan pesisir, Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan, Sumatera Barat Siti Fatimah
Diakronika Vol 22 No 2 (2022): DIAKRONIKA
Publisher : FIS Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (391.589 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/diakronika/vol22-iss2/302


The Mandeh Tourism Area has been considered as Raja Ampat of the western Sumatra. However, this tourist area is very genuine and has not functioned as well as possible. In the National Tourism Development Master Plan (RIPPNAS) in 1998, the Mandeh tourism area recorded as a center for marine tourism development for the western region of Indonesia, along with Biak and Bunaken in the eastern part. Towards this preparation, exploring all aspects of local potential in preserving marine tourism is necessary. One of the aspects is through women's groups. Women's understanding is fundamental in environmental examination to create an environmentally friendly and women-friendly life. Therefore, investigating its potential as a reconstruction reference is necessary. This paper aims to describe the local potential of women in the Mandeh tourist area through the rebuilding of environmentally friendly local wisdom. This article employed an approach that focuses on the historical method, especially the oral history method. Data was collected through in-depth interviews and participant observation. The primary informants of this study were women in the Mandeh Integrated Tourism Area using the snowball technique. Data analysis was collected by using a historical analysis model. The local wisdom of Mandeh women can be categorized into several groups; (1) in preserving the environment and maintaining marine ecosystems through the prevention of their husbands who work as fishermen in brutal fishing; (2) utilization of the natural surroundings for healthy food and medicine; (3) culinary processing based on local potential.
Pengaruh Pembangunan Jembatan Cirahong terhadap Perkembangan Perkebunan di Kabupaten Galuh-Ciamis 1893-1942 Ami Abdullah Fahmi; Ramdhan Prasetyo
Diakronika Vol 22 No 2 (2022): DIAKRONIKA
Publisher : FIS Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (502.258 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/diakronika/vol22-iss2/305


The writing of this article started from the author's interest in Dutch heritage buildings around the Tasikmalaya area, which still stand strong today. One of the most interesting is the Cirahong Bridge. This bridge was built during the colonial period as a means of transportation. According to the blueprint, the Cirahong bridge is the only multifunctional bridge in Indonesia because the upper part is used for the train line, while the lower part is used for connecting cars and motorbikes from Manonjaya to Ciamis. The construction of this bridge is also interesting because it involves several political lobbies from the Galuh rulers (ciamis) who want to change the train line from its original direction towards Cimaragas to Ciamis. This lobby bears sweet fruit with the change of route to Ciamis. This study aims to determine the development of the Cirahong railway bridge and its impact on the development of plantations in the Galuh-Ciamis Regency. This article uses the Historical Method, which includes the stages of heuristics, criticism, interpretation, and historiography. The construction of the Cirahong Bridge, which began in 1893, took seven months in the manufacturing process. The construction of this bridge was a must after the Bogor-Cilacap railway line switched from Cimaragas to Ciamis as a result of political lobbying from RAA Kusumadiningrat. This political lobby bore fruit for Galuh because it had a direct impact on Galuh's economy, marked by the construction of 39 new plantations and the emergence of many new jobs related to rail transportation facilities in Galuh due to the existence of a train line passing through Galuh.
Inovasi Media Video Untuk Melatih Berpikir Historis Zafri Zafri; Hera Hastuti; Iqrima Basri; Wahidul Basri
Diakronika Vol 22 No 2 (2022): DIAKRONIKA
Publisher : FIS Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (364.21 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/diakronika/vol22-iss2/315


Rendahnya tingkat berpikir historis mahasiswa dalam perkuliahan merupakan akumulasi dari kegagalan proses pembelajaran yang telah dilakukan. Pembelajaran sejarah tanpa berpikir historis layaknya pembelajaran tanpa arah dan tujuan. Begitu pentingnya proses berpikir historis sehingga ia menjadi pondasi dasar dalam memahami sejarah dan proses perubahannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melatih kemampuan berpikir historis mahasiswa Departemen Sejarah melalui media video. Penggunaan media video yang dirancang sedemikan rupa diyakini mampu melatih mahasiswa untuk berpikir historis. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian R &D dengan model ADDIE. Pada penelitian ini dibatasi hingga pada tahapan Development. Dari validasi ahli media dan ahli materi menunjukan bahwa media video layak digunakan untuk melatih berpikir historis mahasiswa.

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